English Courses for Kids & Teens in Manchester

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Our tailor-made English courses will develop your students’ language skills and increase their confidence, whilst incorporating fun activities to encourage language development. Berlitz makes language learning fun for all ages.

Mimi & Me

With this programme our youngest learners are guided through playful activities and materials by enthusiastic instructors who rely on songs, games, and stories to motivate children as they learn.

Berlitz Global Adventure

Berlitz Global Adventure is a four level English-language programme designed for kids aged 8-11. The programme gives students the essential English language skills and knowledge needed to understand the world around them.

Time Zones for Teens

Our Time Zones is tailored to meet the individual needs of teens. In private or group lessons, students get the chance to discover more about popular culture and topics that capture their interest.

In addition, motivating materials with a strong international focus allow teens to tap into the global “teen experience”.

Time Zones offers four levels of materials developed in exclusive partnership with National Geographic. The student book, workbook and multimedia content not only provide an ideal supplement to language learning at school, but also open students’ eyes to the fascinating world that surrounds them. The international content teaches learners across the globe to respect and care for the world we share.

Key Course Facts

Tuition15 hours per week (group) – Can also be delivered as private instruction or a small group
Class SizeMaximum 15
Start Dates June, July & August
Course LengthMinimum 1 week
Minimum Age4 – 7 Mimi & Me
8 – 11 Berlitz Global Adventure
12 – 15 Time Zones
Ideal ForYoung children