English Crash Course in Manchester

Images are for thematic purposes’ as per original website

Crash Course

This is an intensive Berlitz programme, similar to Total Immersion®, and offers a fast-paced, effective way to learn a language in a short space of time.

The programme is from Monday to Friday and incorporates 40 lesson units (30 hours) a week, starting at 9.30am and finishing at 5.00pm each day. Lesson content is determined by the individual needs of the student and can incorporate General English, Business English or English for Specific Purposes.

Key Course Facts

Tuition40 lesson units (30 hours)
Class SizeOne-to-one tuition
Start DatesAny Monday (except bank holidays)
Course LengthMinimum 1 week (40 lesson units)
Minimum Age18 years+
Ideal ForStudents who wish to improve their language skills in a short space of time