English Demi Pair Programme in Manchester

Images are for thematic purposes’ as per original website


Our demi pair programme is a very popular programme which has been designed for students who want to combine a study programme with the experience of living with an English family and experiencing English culture and family life while assisting in the family home.

The demi pair programme is an excellent opportunity to improve communication skills and improve fluency while experiencing UK family life; whilst also living economically during your stay in the UK. Demi pair participants have the ability to improve their English language skills with a fun and adventurous experience while our families receive a much needed helping hand around the house! Our economical and professionally run demi pair programmes operate all year round which is perfect for those with a tight schedule.

Students participating in a Demipair programme study a Berlitz Classic programme.

Key Course Facts

Tuition15 hours/ week
Class SizeMaximum 16
Start DatesAny Monday (except bank holidays)
Course LengthMinimum 12 weeks
Minimum Age19 years or over
Ideal ForStudents who wish to improve their General English skills